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Building Knowledge Was Passed Along by Master Builders Through

Development and improvement of communication skills, letters in English by the subject "Highways". Safety road construction work zones. The history of bridge and tunnel building. Construction vehicle blind spots. Flexible (asphaltic concrete) pavements.

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Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Tashkent Institute of Design, Construction and Maintenance of Automotive Roads

English for road builders

Done by: students of 415-15 group

Beketov Amir, Pyagay Ilya

Checked by: Rasulova Z.X.

Tashkent 2017


1.1 Read and translate the text

A road is a thoroughfare, route, or way on land between two places, which has been paved or otherwise improved to allow travel by some conveyance, including a horse, cart, or motor vehicle. Roads consist of one, or sometimes two, roadways (British English: carriageways) each with one or more lanes and also any associated sidewalks(British English: pavement) and road verges, Roads that are available for use by the public may be referred to as public roads or highways.

For purposes of international statistical comparison, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development(OECD) defines a road as "a line of communication (travelled way) using a stabilized base other than rails or air strips open to public traffic, primarily for the use of road motor vehicles running on their own wheels," which includes "bridges, tunnels, supporting structures, junctions, crossings, interchanges, and toll roads, but not cycle paths. In urban areas roads may diverge through a city or village and be named as streets, serving a dual function as urban space easement and route.

Modern roads are normally smoothed, paved, or otherwise prepared to allow easy travel. Historically many roads were simply recognizable routes without any formal construction or maintenance.

english road tunnel communication

In the United Kingdom there is some ambiguity between the terms highway and road.

The Highway code details rules for "road users". For the purposes of the English law, Highways Act 1980, which covers England and Wales but not Scotland or Northern Ireland, the term road is defined to be "any length of highway or of any other road to which the public has access, and includes bridges over which a road passes.

This includes footpaths, bridleways and cycle tracks, and also road and driveways on private land and many car parks.

Vehicle Excise Duty, a road use tax, is payable on some vehicles used on the public road.

1.2 Read out the following words and memorize them

1. thoroughfare

2. conveyance

3. junctions

4. interchanges

5. smoothed

6. ambiguity

7. highway

8. access

9. footpath

l0. bridleway

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1.3 Answer the following questions

1. Who defines a road as "a line of communication (travelled way)?

2. What is Vehicle Excise Duty?

3. What is British word for �sidewalks�?

Match the English words with their Russian equivalents:










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Combine the words with the help of the preposition of.

1.4 Translate these word combinations

a line

road motor vehicles running

for the purposes

international statistical comparison

roads consist

any other road

any length


for purposes

one, or sometimes two, roadways

any length of highway or

the English law, Highways Act 1980

for the use


2. Road Construction 2

2.1 Read and translate the text

The definition of a road depends on the definition of a highway, however there is no formal definition for a highway in the relevant Act. A 1984 ruling said "the land over which a public right of way exists is known as a highway; and although most highways have been made up into roads, and most easements of way exist over footpaths, the presence or absence of a made road has nothing to do with the distinction. Another legal view is that while a highway historically included footpaths, bridleways, driftways, etc., it can now be used to mean those ways that allow the movement of motor-vehicles, and the term rights of way can be used to cover the wider usage.

Road construction requires the creation of a continuous right-of-way, overcoming geographic obstacles and having grades low enough to permit vehicle or foot travel. and may be required to meet standards set by law or official guidelines. The process is often begun with the removal of earth and rock by digging or blasting, construction of embankments, bridges and tunnels, and removal of vegetation (this may involve deforestation) and followed by the laying of pavement material. A variety of road building equipment is employed in road building.

Old road surfaces, fences, and buildings may need to be removed before construction can begin. Trees in the road construction area may be marked for retention. These protected trees should not have the topsoil within the area of the tree's drip line removed and the area should be kept clear of construction material and equipment. Compensation or replacement may be required if a protected tree is damaged. Much of the vegetation may be mulched and put aside for use during reinstatement. The topsoil is usually stripped and stockpiled nearby for rehabilitation of newly constructed embankments along the road. Stumps and roots are removed and holes filled as required before the earthwork begins. Final rehabilitation after road construction is completed will include seeding, planting, watering and other activities to reinstate the area to be consistent with the untouched surrounding areas.

2.2 Read out the following words and memorize them

1. driftway

2. permit

3. guidelines

4. embankment

5. variety

6. surface

7. fence

8. damaged

9. reinstatement

l0. rehabilitation

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2.3 Answer the following questions:

1. What ruling said �the land over which a public right of way exists is known as a highway�?

2. What does the final rehabilitation after road construction include?

3. What does the road construction require?

2.4 Match the English words with their Russian equivalents






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2.5 Combine the words with the help of the preposition of

Translate these word combinations

1. the creation

a. way exist over footpaths

2. a public right

b. earth and rock

3. the removal

c. a made road

4. most easements

d. motor-vehicles

5. removal

e. a continuous right-of-way

6. the presence or absence

f. way exists

7. the laying

g. vegetation

8. a variety

h. the tree's drip line

9. the movement

i. road building equipment

10. the area

j. pavement material

3. Road Construction 3

3.1 Read and translate the text

Processes during earthwork include excavation, removal of material to spoil, filling, compacting, construction and trimming. If rock or other unsuitable material is discovered it is removed, moisture content is managed and replaced with standard fill compacted to meet the design requirements (generally 90-95% relative compaction). blasting is not frequently used to excavate the road bed as the intact rock structure forms an ideal road base. When a depression must be filled to come up to the road grade the native bed is compacted after the topsoil has been removed. The fill is made by the "compacted layer method" where a layer of fill is spread then compacted to specifications, the process is repeated until the desired grade is reached.

Like all structures, roads deteriorate over time. Deterioration is primarily due to accumulated damage from vehicles, however environmental effects such as frost heaves, thermal cracking and oxidation often contribute. According to a series of experiments carried out in the late 1950s, called the AASHO Road Test, it was empirically determined that the effective damage done to the road is roughly proportional to the Fourth power of axle weight. A typical tractor-trailer weighing 80,000 pounds (36.287 t) with 8,000 pounds (3.629 t) on the steer axle and 36,000 pounds (16.329 t) on both of the tandem axle groups is expected to do 7,800 times more damage than a passenger vehicle with 2,000 pounds (0.907 t) on each axle. Potholes on roads are caused by rain damage and vehicle braking or related construction works. Failure to maintain roads properly can create significant costs to society, in a 2009 report released by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (USA) about 50% of the roads in the USA are in bad condition with urban areas worse. The report estimates that urban drivers pay an average of $746/year on vehicle repairs while the average US motorist pays about $335/year. In contrast, the average motorist pays about $171/year in road maintenance taxes (based on 600 gallons/ye

3.2 Read out the following words and memorize them

1. excavation

2. compacting

3. trimming

4. specifications

5. deterioration

6. oxidation

7. passenger

8. significant

9. condition

l0. maintenance

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3.3 Answer the following questions

1. What does the process during earthwork include?

2. Who released report in 2009 which says that about 50% of the roads in the USA are in bad condition with urban areas worse?

3. According to what test (name of the test) made in the late 1950s it was empirically determined that the effective damage done to the road is roughly proportional to the Fourth power of axle weight?

3.4 Match the English words with their Russian equivalents

1. potholes

a. �������

2. environmental

b. ��������������

3. earthwork

c. �������

4. effects

d. ���������

5. unsuitable

e. ����������

6. effective

f. ������������

7. depression

g. �������� ������

3.5 Combine the words with the help of the preposition of

Translate these word combinations

1. a layer

a. State Highway and Transportation Officials

2. the Fourth power

b. experiments

3. removal

c. fill is spread

4. on both

d. axle weight

5. about 50%

e. material to spoil

6. a series

f. the tandem axle groups

7. the American Association

g. the roads in the USA

4. Surfacing

4.1 Read and translate the text

With unsealed roads, naturally well bonded fine materials such as sand-clays and granite-sands can be used. These aggregate mixtures should contain both wear resistant stone and natural binder, such as clay. For the surface course the maximum stone size should be less than 40 mm. Larger stones interfere with maintenance of the surface and give a poorer ride. On the other hand, an excess of fines can produce a surface which is slick when wet and dusty when dry. To control dust such techniques are used: water spraying, application of modified bitumen to the road surface, use of calcium chloride and others. All these techniques are relatively unsatisfactory and so road surfaces are usually sealed with a thin bitumen and stone film. In addition to suppressing dust, the initial sealing of an unbound pavement will reduce the moisture content and protect the pavement materials from damage due to traffic, wind and water and water erosion. From a user's viewpoint, sealing provides a better driving surface.

The process of sealing (or seal coating, or surface dressing) is the application to the surface of a thin layer of bitumen into which aggregate is then incorporated. In most cases the bitumen is applied by spraying and the one-sized aggregate is then rolled in.

The aggregate pieces protrude both above the bitumen film, providing surface texture and protection the bitumen film from traffic damage; and below the film into the base course, to provide bearing independent of the bitumen. The aggregate placement is subsequently rearranged by traffic action.

The three types of spray seals are:

1. One application of binder and one layer of aggregate;

2. One application of binder and two layers of aggregate;

3. Two applications of binder and two layers of aggregate.

Spray seal construction is best undertaken in warm, dry weather. The spraying equipment must be capable of providing uniform spray.

4.2 Read out the following words and memorize them

1. surfacing

2. wear resistant

3. excess

4. slick

5. to seal

6. to bond

7. to interfere with

8. to spray

9. to reduce

l0. to damage







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4.3 Answer the following questions

1. What materials are used with unsealed roads? 2. What should these mixtures contain? 3. How does stone size for the surface course influence on the characteristics of the surface? 4. What techniques are used to control dust?

5. Are these techniques satisfactory?

6. What are the advantages of sealing?

4.4 Match the English words with their Russian equivalents

1. protection

a. ������������

2. placement

b. �����������

3. aggregate

c. ������

4. protrude

d. ��������������������

5. binder

e. �������

6. unsatisfactory

f. ����������

7. surface

g. �����

4.5 Combine the words with the help of the preposition of

Translate these word combinations:

1. use

a. fines can produce

2. maintenance

b. the bitumen

3. the process

c. calcium chloride

4. an excess

d. the surface

5. the surface

e. sealing

6. application

f. an unbound pavement

7. types

g. providing uniform spray

8. bearing independent

h. modified bitumen

9. the initial sealing

i. a thin layer of bitumen

10. capable

j. spray seals

5. Flexible (asphaltic concrete) pavements

5.1 Read and translate the text

Asphaltic concrete surface layers can have thickness down to 25 mm. Full depth asphalt is a term used to describe a pavement in which all the courses are comprised of asphaltic concrete.

Asphalt concrete is a bitumen-aggregate mix produced at a plant or on site. A plant mix is a mixture of bitumen, as a binder, and mineral aggregates, prepared hot at a mixing plant and maintained at about 150�. Fly ash, Portland cement and ground limestone are used as fine fillers.

The objective of asphalt mix design is to determine the proportion of bitumen, filler and aggregate which will produce a mix which can be spread and compacted, will have a suitable surface with respect to skid resistance and which will be stiff (particularly in hot weather), durable and waterproof. It is common to base the structural design of the pavement on properties obtained from tests on the proposed mix.

Bituminous mixtures require compacting during placement. The main purposes of compaction are (1) to increase stiffness and strength, and (2) to protect mixes from rapid bitumen hardening.

The basic equipment consists of an asphalt mixing plant, an asphalt paver, a roller and a finisher.

If strength or stiffness of pavement must be corrected, a new layer of material is required. This process is called resheeting and the added layers are called overlays. A thin overlay of asphaltic concrete can be used for the correction of surface deteriorations - roughness, excessive permeability, low skid resistance, etc. These overlays are generally either 25 or 40 mm thick. The overlays are produced by applying a layer of plant mix to the road surface.

5.2 Read out the following words and memorize them

1. flexible pavements

2. mixing plant

3. fly ash

4. fine filler

5. texture

6. stiff

7. durable

8. placement

9. paver

10. finisher

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5.3 Answer the following questions

1. What is the thickness of asphaltic concrete layers?

2. What is full depth asphalt?

3. What are the components of a plant mix?

4. What temperature is the mix prepared at?

5. What is the objective of asphalt mix design?

6. What are the main purposes of compaction?

7. What does the basic equipment consist of?

5.4 Match the English words with their Russian equivalents

1. compaction

a. �������

2. thickness

b. �������

3. overlay

c. ����������

4. aggregate

d. �����������

5. paver

e. ��������

6. bituminous

f. ���������

7. durable

g. ��������������

5.5 Combine the words with the help of the preposition of

Translate these word combinations:

1. the main purposes

a. surface deteriorations - roughness

2. comprised

b. bitumen

3. the basic equipment consists

c. plant mix

4. a mixture

d. asphaltic concrete

5. a new layer

e. compaction

6. the objective

f. the pavement

7. the correction

g. an asphalt mixing plant

8. the structural design

h. material

9. a thin overlay

i. asphalt mix design

10. a layer

j. asphaltic concrete

6. Maintenance of roads

6.1 Read and translate the text

The behavoiur of a road passes through a number of stages. After construction has been completed and the road is in operation, it enters a setting down stage which may last for one or two years. During this time construction imperfections become evident, particularly after a wet season. Such faults can usually be corrected by routine maintenance means such as minor patching and pot-hole repair.

As a road is subjected to traffic it is progressively damaged. The road enters its next life cycle stage when the surface deficiencies have worsened to the extend that they require some major repair effort, usually in the form of resealing or overlaying.

The final stage in the life of the road occurs when deformation-related deficiencies, indicating structural failure, begin to occur. These can only be rectified by major rehabilitation of the road structure such as ripping up the existing base course and either replacing it or adding additional material.

The role of experience and judgement in pavement design, construction and maintenance is so great that good engineering practice demands that the performance of all roads be consistently evaluated. The basic aims of this evaluation are:

1. To check the pavement function and performance;

2. To provide guidance for planning maintenance;

3. To detect condition changes from one year to the next.

6.2 Read out the following words and memorize them

1. maintenance


2. behaviour


3. imperfection


4. fault


5. patching

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6. repair


7. pot-hole

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8. deficiency


9. failure


10. judgement


6.3 Answer the following questions

1. When does the road enter a setting down stage?

2. How such faults can be corrected?

3. When does the road enter its next life cycle?

4. What repair does the road require?

5. When does the final stage occur?

6. How can the structural failure be rectified?

7. What does the good engineering practice demand?

8. What are the basic aims of this evaluation?

6.4 Match the English words with their Russian equivalents:

to occur

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to worsen




to rectify


to complete


to rip


to be in operation

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to demand


to become evident


6.5 Combine the words with the help of the preposition of

Translate these word combinations

1. the form

a. the road occurs

2. major rehabilitation

b. a road passes

3. the behavoiur

c. experience and judgement

4. the life

d. roads

5. the performance

e. the road structure

6. maintenance

f. stages

7. the role

g. resealing or overlaying

8. a number

h. this evaluation

9. the basic aims

i. all roads

7. Road construction equipment

7.1 Read and translate the text

New compaction products mclude the DD-22, DD-23 and DD-32 tandem vibration rollers. Based on a modern design they dram widths of 1.0, 1.2 and 1.32 m respectively. The rollers are fitted with Deutz cylinder engines. High levels of operator comfort are provided by isolating the seat from machine vibrators. Controls are easy to operate and both the seat and control console can be moved for optimum visibility.

TV 100 and TV 120 are new hydrostatic drive, centre articulated tandem vibrating rollers with corresponding drum widths of 1.0 and 1.2 m.

Weighing in at 2215 and 2660 kg, both rollers quality for inclusion in DTp-s 700-1300 kg/m compaction category as contained in their "Specifications for Road and Bridge Works", and are designed to meet the more demanding requirements involved in road surfacing repair and highway maintenance work.

Capable of compacting a wide variety of materials including sub-base, road base and blacktop, these rollers are used on many light to medium duty applications such as sports grounds, car parks, tennis courts.

Both rollers are powered by Deutz twin cylinder air-cooled diesel engines.

The world's first self-propelled oscillatory asphalt compactor is 2315 SDO. Powered by a 49 kw engine, the machine has an operating weight of 7.951 and a working width of 1.8 m.

7.2 Read out the following words and memorize them

1. tandem roller

2. vibratory

3. drum

4. engine

5. hydrostatic drive

6. centre articulated

7. specification

8. self-propelled

9. to meet requirements

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7.3 Answer the following questions

1. What are the specifications of DD-22, DD-32 tandetfi vibratory rollers?

2. How are high levels of operator comfort provided?

3. What are the specifications of TV 100 and TV 120 rollers?

4. Are these rollers designed to meet high requiremetfts in road construction?

5. What engines are both rollers powered by?

6. What are the specifications of DD-22, DD-32 tandetfi vibratory rollers?

7. How are high levels of operator comfort provided?

8. What are the specifications of TV 100 and TV 120 rollers?

9. Are these rollers designed to meet high requiremetfts in road construction?

10. What engines are both rollers powered by?

7.4 Match the English words with their Russian equivalents

1. respectively

a. ���������

2. to offer

b. ����������������

3. to be powered

c. ����������

4. demanding

d. ���������

5. oscillatory

e. �������

6. to contain

f. �������������

7. controls

g. ������ �����������

8. to be capable

h. �������������

9. cylinder

i. ����������������

10. to be designed

j. ��������������

7.5 Combine the words with the help of the preposition of

Translate these word combinations

1. a wide variety

a. operator comfort

2. capable

b. 1.8 m

3. an operating weight

c. 1.0, 1.2 and 1.32 m respectively

4. high levels

d. materials

5. a working width

e. compacting

6. widths

f. 7.951 m

8. Safety in road construction work zones

8.1 Road construction hazards

8.1.1 Read and translate the text

Workers in temporary traffic control work zones are exposed to risk of injury from construction vehicles and motorized equipment:

� operating in and around the active work zone(s)

� operating in traffic control or secondary areas that support the work zone ( ex. - temporary batch plants)

� entering and leaving the work zone

Workers in the roadway are at risk of injury from a variety of general traffic vehicles entering the work zone:

� Drunk drivers

� Sleepy or impaired drivers

� Impatient, reckless drivers

� Drivers using cell phones; other inattentive drivers

� Law enforcement and emergency vehicles

� Disabled vehicles pulling in and parking

� Lost drivers looking for directions

8.2 Read out the following words and memorize them

1. exposed

2. motorized

3. batch plant

4. injury

5. impatient

6. reckless

7. rollover

8. collision

9. being caught

l0. struck



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8.3 Answer the following questions

1. How are roadway workers exposed or at risk?

2. How are roadway workers at risk?

3. How are workers on foot at risk?

4. How are equipment operators at risk?

8.4 Match the English words with their Russian equivalents




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9. Roadway worker fatalities

9.1 Read and translate the text

Worker Fatalities in Roadway Work Zones

� The trend in worker deaths showed an increase...

� 90 deaths/yr average between 1992-1997

� 120 deaths/yr average between 1995-2002

� Construction vehicle related accidents are responsible for the increase in worker deaths

� Construction equipment accidents accounted for as many �worker on foot� deaths as traffic vehicles

Dump trucks were responsible for 41% of the �worker on foot� related deaths

52% of these involved dump trucks backing up!

9.2 Read out the following words and memorize them

1. fatality

2. trend

3. deaths

4. increase

5. average

6. dump truck

7. involved





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9.3 Match the English words with their Russian equivalents

1. vehicle

a. ������

2. roadway

b. ��������

3. accident

c. ������������ ��������

4. worker

d. �����

5. responsible

e. �����

6. show

f. �� �������� �������

7. related

g. �������������

8. between

h. �������

9. backing up

i. ���������

10. construction

j. �������������

10. Traffic control measures

10.1 Read and translate the text

Traffic Control Around the Work Zone

Flaggers and other workers assigned traffic control responsibilities work very close to motor vehicles and are at risk of getting struck or run over by them.


� must be trained in traffic control techniques

� must have a valid Washington Traffic Control Flagger card (or card from a state with reciprocal flagger training)

Safety within the Work Zone:

Temporary Traffic Control Plan

In the Temporary Traffic Control zone, construction vehicles and equipment moving inside create a risk to workers on foot requiring additional protection planning and policies to minimize backing-up maneuvers in the �activity area�

The Temporary Traffic Control �Activity Area� is the section of the highway where the work activity takes place. It is comprised of the work space, the traffic space, and the buffer space.

The �work space� is that portion of the road closed and set aside for equipment, workers, and material. Work spaces are usually delineated apart from the traffic space, to exclude vehicles and pedestrians, by channelizing devices or temporary barriers and signs.

10.2 Read out the following words and memorize them

1. assigned

2. responsibility

3. techniques

4. reciprocal

5. additional

6. protection

7. maneuver

8. aside

9. delineated

l0. pedestrian




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10.3 Match the English words with their Russian equivalents

1. valid

a. �����

2. inside

b. ������

3. measure

c. ��������������

4. card

d. ����������

5. around

e. ����

6. require

f. ���������� �������

7. run

g. ���������

8. planning

h. ���������

9. trained

i. ������������

10. device

j. ������

10.4 Combine the words with the help of the preposition of

Translate these word combinations

1. portion

a. the highway

2. at risk

b. the work space

3. comprised

c. getting struck

4. the section

d. the road closed and set aside

11. Construction vehicle blind spots

11.1 Read and translate the text

Working at Night. Visibility is greatly reduced at night. Your risk of getting injured or killed increases in the dark. Drivers may be more tired, sleepy, and less attentive. Hazards & Problems:

� poor visibility

� glare off lights

� adverse weather conditions

� tired drivers

� inattentive workers

� Protect yourself when you must work at night by:

� being aware of your surroundings at ALL TIMES

� wearing High Visibility Apparel

� arranging good work area lighting

� setting up proper traffic controls

� knowing the traffic flow plan/pattern

Working Around Vehicles/Heavy Equipment

Vehicle and Heavy Equipment Blind Spots

A blind spot (or blind area) is the area around a vehicle or piece of construction equipment that is not visible to the operator, either by direct line-of-sight or indirectly by use of internal and external mirrors.

Vehicle Blind Spots Tools/Attachments on vehicles can create greater blind spots, reduce visibility, or swings that increases the risk to workers being struck or pinned. How can you protect yourself when working near heavy equipment?

� Do not cross directly in front of or immediately behind large heavy equipment or trucks where the operator sits higher in the vehicle.

� Communicate with an operator (verbally and/or by eye contact) before entering any area near heavy equipment or large trucks.

� If you have to stand near parked equipment or trucks, stand in front or on operator side so if equipment comes into use, the operator can see you and you can see them.

11.2 Read out the following words and memorize them

1. visibility

2. hazards

3. inattentive

4. protect

5. surroundings

6. blind spot

7. attachments






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11.3 Match the English words with their Russian equivalents















11.4 Combine the words with the help of the preposition of

Translate these word combinations:

1. piece

a. internal and external mirrors

2. risk

b. your surroundings

3. use

c. -sight

4. being aware

d. getting injured

5. direct line-

e. construction equipment

12. How to protect roadway workers

12.1 Read and translate the text

Employers must have...

� A comprehensive Site-specific Safety Program (APP)

� A Temporary Traffic Control Plan in place for the project site

� Conducted crew meetings and trained all workers on work zone safety; discussing potential hazards, equipment blind spots, movement precautions in the activity area

Workers must:

-- Wear high-visibility safety apparel

(vest & head gear in photos)

-- Be alert for construction vehicles and equipment as well as general traffic

-- Check surroundings often for hazards

-- Know the plan for traffic flow

-- Keep a safe distance from traffic

-- Communicate with other workers, especially when there are changes in procedures, locations, or traffic flow pattern

More Roadway Work Zones protective measures

Pedestrian Workers

� Keep in eye contact with operators when working near moving equipment

� Remember equipment blind spots and limited visual areas

Equipment/Vehicle Operators

� Keep windows and mirrors clean

� Watch for workers on foot; know where they are

� Remember equipment blind spots and limited visual areas

� Stay behind protective barriers where possible

� Do not linger or cross into areas around moving equipment if you have no reason to be there

� Use extra precautions and additional safety apparel at night and during poor weather conditions

12.2 Read out the following words and memorize them

1. Employer

2. precautions

3. apparel

4. surroundings

5. locations

6. protective

7. conditions


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12.3 Answer the following questions:

1. How do you protect workers in Roadway Work Zones?

2. How else can workers protect themselves in Roadway Work Zones?

12.4 Match the English words with their Russian equivalents

1. discuss

a. ����������

2. roadway

b. ����������������

3. blind

c. ���������

4. Conduct

d. ���������

5. precaution

e. �����

6. meeting

f. �����������

7. distance

g. ������

13. The history of bridge and tunnel building. Bridges I

13.1 Read and translate the text

One of the outstanding statesmen once said in his speech, "There can be little doubt that in many ways the story of bridge-building is the story of civilization. By it we can readily measure an important part of a people's progress." Great rivers are important rneans of communication for in many parts of the world they have been, and still are, the chief roads. But they are also barriers to communication and people have always been concerned with finding ways to cross them.

For hundreds of years men have built bridges over fast-following rivers or deep and rocky canyons. Early m�n probably got the idea of a bridge from a tree fallen across a stream. From this, at a later stage, a bridge on a very simple bracket or cantilever principle1 was evolved. Timber beams were embedded into the banks on each side of the river with their ends extending over the water. These made simple supports for a central beam reaching across from one bracket to the other. Bridges of this type are still used in Japan, and in India. A simple bridge on the suspension principle2 was made by early man by means of ropes, and is still used in countries such as Tibet. Two parallel ropes suspended from rocks or trees on each bank of the river, with a platform of woven mats laid across them, made a secure crossing. Further ropes as handrails3 were added. When the Spaniards reached South America, they fund that the lncas of Peru used suspension bridges made of six strong cables, four of which supported a platform and two served as rails. All these bridges made possible crossings only over narrow rivers. The type of temporary floating bridge4, the pontoon bridge, has been used for military purposes; military engineers can construct a temporary bridge on this principle, able to carry all the heavy equipment of a modern army, in an extremely short time.

13.2 Read out the following words and memorize them

1. outstanding


2. readily

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3. to evolve


4. by means of


5. rope


6. to suspend


7. military


13.3 Answer the following questions

1. From what did early man get an idea of a bridge?

2. What kind of bridge is a cantilever one?

3. For what purpose is a temporary floating bridge used?

13.4 Match the English words with their Russian equivalents

1. further

a. ���������

2. statesmen

b. ����������

3. bracket

c. �����

4. measure

d. �������

5. secure

e. ������������

6. stream

f. ����������

7. timber

g. ����

13.5 Combine the words with the help of the preposition of


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  • It is a try to examine some alternative methods in construction. Adobe construction is one of the oldest forms of building technology. A method of similar to rammed-earth is cast earth. A create monolithic walls of earth. Industial Construction Materials.

    ����������� ������ [777,2 K], �������� 18.07.2009

  • In the world there are thousands of different languages. How indeed modern English is optimum mean for intercourse of people of different nationalities. Knowledge of English is needed for the effective teaching subsequent work and improvement of our life.

    ��������� [13,7 K], �������� 11.02.2009

  • The general English programmes for students from backgrounds. Objectives of teaching business English. The rules of grammar, the domain of vocabulary and pronunciation. Major elements of business English. The concept of intercultural communication.

    ������� [22,0 K], �������� 21.03.2012

  • Traditional periodization of historical stages of progress of English language. Old and middle English, the modern period. The Vocabulary of the old English language. Old English Manuscripts, Poetry and Alphabets. Borrowings in the Old English language.

    ����������� [281,2 K], �������� 27.03.2014

  • The reasons of importance of studying of English. Use of English in communication. Need for knowledge of English during travel, dialogue with foreigners, at information search on the Internet. Studying English in Russia is as one of the major subjects.

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