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We Tried the New Firework Oreo Flavor. Here's What You Need to Know.

Oreo launched a raw flavor that tastes like a firework. We were bold decent to try information technology.

A brand new package of firework oreos beside a glass of milk

Oreo recently rolled out a new flavor for summer-the Firework Oreo cookie. Their claim: IT'll give up a poppy, firework-like burst in your mouth. How so? The cookies are choke-full of popping candy. (Yep, like the Pop Rocks you Ate as a kid!) As a cognoscenti of cookies-entrepot-bought and homemade-I had to try IT. I ran dead set the store and bought a package. Here's what you indigence to hump:

At First Glance

The promotional material ain't subtle. Cheerfully red, pure and strict, these bags were made with celebrating in mind. With Memorial Day and Fourth of July parties just around the corner, these treats could be a major hitting at sundae bars operating theater on cookie trays.

Damaged back the wrapping, I was actually nervous to take the first bite. Might the popping weft do a Dieting-Blow-and-Mentos-flair combustion? Would IT ruin a perfectly good Oreo?

The Chomp Test

To get my analysis, I took a bite. With the expectation of a firework-style burst in my mouth, I was actually a bit let down. It ma and tasted like a normal Oreo (which, preceptor't develop me wrong, I adore), merely with sand-like crisp bits in the filling. I chewed slowly, searching for flavor. Gradually the candy began to dance in my mouth. It wasn't much Sir Thomas More than a slight tingle, but it gave ME a nice little surprise.

Conclusion: Don't snarf down the cookie too quickly or you'll escape out happening all that fun poppin'.

Firework oreo being dunked repeatedly into a glass of milk

The Dunk Test

Next, I distinct to bring in Oreo cookie's favorite sidekick, a glaze of cold milk. After all, this is a cookie that's made for dunking. I sentiment the milk might get bubbly or turn violet. Nope! It wet in the usual style. (I did mark that the candies popped more quickly post-magnetic dip.)

Conclusion: Information technology's safe to dunk.

Firework oreo split in half and held before the camera

The Split Test

For the concluding test, I practiced my dearie method of eating Oreos: twisting the cookies apart and eating the pick first. I prefer a clean and jerk break between cookie and clobber, and the Pyrotechnic Oreo delivered. The filling was a ravisher, speckled with tiny red and depressing flecks. Eating the filling by itself was a whole recently experience. The candy started jumping around on my spit instantly. At last! The pure firework go through.

Conclusion: Eating the filling first guarantees a popping candy explosion. Also, I've eaten too many cookies.

The Closing Verdict

Firework Oreos are a go, at least As a freshness. A a summer holiday hostess, I'll definitely break these cookies out for my friends and family to examine. (I already know the kids will go crazy for them.) Because of the singular texture of the skim off woof, nonetheless, I recommend sticking to standard Oreos when IT comes to our favorite cookies and cream recipes.
